Attorney General Takes Aim at Nebraska Businesses That Sell Misled, Deceptive THC Products
LINCOLN–(KFOR/News Release Oct. 25)–Retailers in ten Nebraska counties, including Lancaster, that have been selling mislabeled and deceptive, synthetically-produced THC-containing products are being sued by the State of Nebraska, claiming those products present a danger to Nebraskans.
Attorney General Mike Hilgers announced the lawsuit on Wednesday, saying the state tested 100 such products and found that only 15% of them were accurate in their labeled ingredients — and potency. There were other harmful ingredients found, including heavy metal, mold, ethanol, and other byproducts that are not allowed.
“The sale of these deceptive, mislabeled, dangerous products poses a real threat of harm to Nebraskans, especially children. Today’s action is a message to retailers across the state that selling products that threaten Nebraska’s children will not be tolerated,” Hilgers said.
In some cases, products containing delta-8 have been tied to loss of life. National poison control centers have received thousands of reports tied to these products, and the FDA and DEA have issued warnings against their use. These products have not been deemed safe by any Nebraska or regulatory body. In fact, even in states in which marijuana has been legalized or decriminalized recreational marijuana, synthetically produced THCs, including delta-8, remain unlawful.
Look-alike THC-containing products facilitate deception by children and teens who may attempt to hide or misrepresent their consumption of intoxicating THC-containing products from their parents and other authority figures, such as school administrators or law enforcement officers.