City Cites Progress Regarding LPD Independent Workplace Assessment
LINCOLN–(News Release Dec. 8)–Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird and Lincoln Police Chief Teresa Ewins today (Thursday) said the Lincoln Police Department (LPD) continues to make progress implementing recommendations made in the 21st Century Policing Solutions (21CP) workplace assessment completed this fall.
Commissioned by Mayor Gaylor Baird in 2021, the 21CP assessment consulted 330 LPD officers and civilian personnel – equivalent to 70% of all department staff. The assessment included a thorough review of department policies and procedures, virtual and in-person focus groups and an anonymous survey conducted in early 2022.
21CP’s assessment contains 28 specific recommendations that address recruitment, training, employee evaluations and promotions, and policies regarding discrimination, harassment and equal employment complaints, among other topics.
“The department has already made important modifications to its policies and procedures, and the overarching objective of both recent and forthcoming changes is to enhance workplace processes and safety for our current officers and staff, as well as for future cadets who advance through our academy,” Mayor Gaylor Baird said.
Since the report was released in September, Chief Ewins said she and department command staff created a document available under the “Transparency” tab at that outlines progress on work necessary to implement each recommendation.
“This process is an important step in our work to ensure our department is one where everyone is understood, respected, and above all, free from discrimination and harassment,” Chief Ewins said.
Recommendations already completed include work with the Human Resources Department
to hire an outside firm to facilitate promotional process for all ranks, designation of the department’s Education and Personnel Unit to facilitate all selection processes for specialized positions and initiating the development of recruitment and retention plans for dispatch and professional staff positions.
Chief Ewins said progress has also been made regarding six recommendations related to discrimination, harassment, retaliation, workplace bullying and hazing policies. Those changes include the creation of a standard procedure for conducting workplace investigations and a workplace complaint questionnaire.
21CP is a national firm that includes veteran police chiefs and preeminent scholars, civil rights lawyers, and police union representatives. The firm has expertise in police management, systems, policy, training, operations, labor relations, internal investigations, and equity and inclusion practices.
For more information on LPD, visit