Council Approves of Annexation of Southeast Lincoln Neighborhood

LINCOLN–(KFOR Mar. 28)–Lincoln City Council members on Monday night approved of annexing 445 acres of land between 70th and 84th Streets, from Pine Lake to Yankee Hill Roads.  That means residents will have to pay city wheel tax, will likely see their property taxes rise and will have to comply with city animal ordinances and pay pet licensing fees.

Fire service in the area will also change hands.

But an amendment from Council member Richard Meginnis would delay annexation until July 1, so Southeast Rural Fire District that provides protection to that area can collect all the property taxes for this year.

“I know how when it affects you personally, it really means a lot.  And this is really affecting a lot of homes,” Meginnis said ahead of the vote.  “I do not believe their fire coverage will be affected too much.”

Once that area is annexed by the city, the property tax revenue from the area will be lost by Southeast Rural Fire. City fire and emergency medical service will be provided by the station off of 66th and Pine Lake Road.  Council member Sandra Washington mentioned she believes Lincoln Fire and Rescue provides a good service and offered up something she said wants to work toward in providing extra fire protection for the area.

“Purchasing (water) tankers will be my highest priority going forward,” Washington said.  Most of the area doesn’t have fire hydrants to hook up water lines.

The vote on the amendment and the overall plan were approved unanimously.