CRIME STOPPERS: LPD Working Hit and Run Case, Reported Wallet Theft at a Local Gym

LINCOLN–(KFOR Nov. 1)–Lincoln Police are asking for your help in finding a camper that hit a car in the parking lot of Russ’s Market off of 17th and Washington from October 14 and drove away.

LPD Forensics Technician Becky Keller says the camper has unique damage to the overhead bunk above the cab.

Backside damage to a camper involved in a hit and run reported Oct. 14, 2023 in the parking lot of Russ’s Market at 17th and Washington. (Courtesy of Lincoln Crime Stoppers)















“And more unique damage to the back corner on the driver side where it made impact with the victim’s vehicle,” Keller told Lincoln’s Morning News on KFOR Wednesday.

There’s a sticker on the front windshield that says “Mad Slope” or something to that effect.

The front end of a camper involved in a reported hit and run from Oct. 14, 2023 in the parking lot of Russ’s Market off of 17th and Washington. (Photo Courtesy of Lincoln Crime Stoppers)


Security photo of the possible driver of the camper involved in a hit and run Oct. 14, 2023 at the Russ’s Market near 17th and Washington. (Courtesy of Lincoln Crime Stoppers)












Meanwhile, a theft happened at an east Lincoln gym in August, where someone’s wallet was stolen from the locker room. Keller says this happened at the Genesis Health Club near 70th and “A” Streets.

“He (the victim) received several text messages saying fraudulent transactions were being attempted on his credit cards for over $2,000,” Keller added.

Photo of a suspect believed to be involved in a wallet theft at Genesis Health Club near 70th and “A” Street. (Courtesy of Lincoln Crime Stoppers)

















Walmart has provided LPD some pictures of a potential suspect, according to Keller.  If you have information on this case, call Crime Stoppers at 402-475-3600 or visit