Decision Looms Over Possible Censure of Hastings State Senator

LINCOLN–(KFOR Apr. 2)–A hearing was held last Thursday over possible censure of Hastings Senator Steve Halloran regarding allegations of workplace harassment during legislative debate two weeks ago.

Now the question looms over when a decision will be made if Halloran will be censured.  That decision could be made by Nebraska lawmakers as early as Tuesday.

On March 19, during a debate over what reading material is appropriate for children, Halloran read aloud an excerpt from a memoir about a woman describing being raped in graphic detail. During the reading, Halloran inserted the name “Cavanaugh” into the text, which appeared to be directed toward Omaha Senator Machaela Cavanaugh.

Last Thursday during a public hearing, Senator Cavanaugh told the Legislature’s Executive Board Senator Halloran’s comments “traumatized” herself and her family.  Halloran has apologized, saying he was working to protect children from obscene material in schools.

A censure is rare in the Nebraska Legislature. The last time it happened was in 1955.