Free And Reduced Lunch Guidelines Released
Lincoln, NE (September 6, 2022) The Nebraska Department of Education’s Office of Nutrition Services has announced the Income Eligibility Guidelines for free and reduced-price meals for those unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch, Breakfast, Special Milk, and Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP).
Participating schools, child care, and adult care centers have all received a copy of the policy.
Application forms will be given to all households with a letter to parents, guardians or adult participants. To apply for free or reduced price meals, households should fill out the application and return it to the school or agency. Additional copies are available from the school principals or agency administrator. The information provided on the application will be used to determine eligibility and may be verified at any time during the year by school or other program officials.
For the school or agency officials to determine eligibility, the household must provide the following information on the application: names of all household members; the last four digits of the social security number of an adult household member or a statement that the household member does not have one; total monthly household income by source; and the signature of an adult household member certifying that the information provided is correct. Children who are members of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) assistance units or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) households are automatically eligible to receive free meals. Participants at adult care centers receiving Food Stamps, FDPIR, SSI or Medicaid are automatically eligible to receive free meals.
Applications can be submitted at any time during the year. Families whose income is at or below the levels shown are eligible for free or reduced price meals.
Household Size |
Free Meal |
Reduced Price Meal |
Annual |
Monthly |
Weekly |
Annual |
Monthly |
Weekly |
1 | 17,667 | 1,473 | 340 | 25,142 | 2,096 | 484 |
2 | 23,803 | 1,984 | 458 | 33,874 | 2,823 | 652 |
3 | 29,939 | 3,007 | 694 | 42,606 | 3,551 | 820 |
4 | 36,075 | 3,007 | 694 | 51,338 | 4,279 | 988 |
5 | 42,211 | 3,518 | 812 | 60,070 | 5,006 | 1,156 |
6 | 48,347 | 4,029 | 930 | 68,802 | 5,743 | 1,324 |
7 | 54,483 | 4,541 | 1,048 | 77,543 | 6,462 | 1,492 |
8 | 60,619 | 5,052 | 1,166 | 86,266 | 7,189 | 1,659 |
For each additional family member add: |
6,136 |
512 |
118 |
8,732 |
78 |
168 |