Governor Pillen Announces Creation of Broadband Office

LINCOLN, NE (January 6, 2023)– Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen today issued an executive order creating a new Broadband Office. The new office will be housed within the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) and work under the oversight of NDOT and the Governor’s Office. A signed version of the executive order can be found here.

“The Broadband Office is being formed to create a more transparent, flexible, and proactive response for Nebraska’s broadband needs,” said Governor Pillen. “Affordable, accessible, dependable, and high-speed broadband is essential to keeping our kids and having them flourish in our state. As we expand and improve broadband access, we will be growing future investment and prosperity in Nebraska.”

The Broadband Office will be tasked with the following:

  • Provide for policy level direction related to the planning and decisions regarding development, operation, and sustainability of high-speed broadband service in the State of Nebraska;
  • Work openly and collaboratively with relevant government agencies and other stakeholders to ensure that broadband deployment is strategic, cost-effective and that recipients of funding are accountable for their use of public funds;
  • Lead efforts to incorporate participation of and engagement with the communities with critical broadband needs and relevant stakeholders to shape program implementation and operations;
  • Work in collaboration with government agencies to create and maintain an official Nebraska location fabric broadband access map to accurately show broadband availability for all serviceable locations in the State of Nebraska;
  • Lead efforts with government agencies and stakeholders to develop directives and strategies for best utilization of federal funds, including grants, to improve broadband connectivity in Nebraska.
The new Broadband Office will be led on an interim basis by Patrick Redmond, who currently serves as State Broadband and Infrastructure Coordinator in the State Budget Division. NDOT and the Governor’s Office will accept applicants to serve as Director of the Broadband Office, which will be part of the Governor’s cabinet. Applications may be submitted here: