Governor Ricketts Urges for Quick Solution in China Trade Negotiations
On Friday, Governor Pete Ricketts voiced his support for a quick negotiation with the Trump administration and China on trade negotiations.
President Trump announced an increase on tariffs of Chinese imports after he claimed the Chinese pulled back on previous trade commitments.
Ricketts told KFOR News, “We would like to see the administration work with China to get globalized trade negotiations as quickly as possible. That’s a big market for soybeans, and potentially beef, for us, but we understand that these are complicated issues. When we’re talking about intellectual property, the Chinese cannot continue to steal intellectual property.
The Trump administration said talks are done as of Friday afternoon, but communication on the topic will continue between the governments. In a tweet Friday, President Trump said that there was “no need to rush,” and that the tariffs would “bring in far more wealth to our country than even a phenomenal deal of a traditional kind.”