High-priced Diamond Ring Found, Wallet Still Missing
November 7, 2022 11:39AM CST
LINCOLN–(KFOR Nov. 7)–An update to a story we told you about from last Friday, regarding a missing 4-karat diamond ring that is worth over $77,000.
Lincoln Police on Monday told reporters that the ring was recovered by the 39-year-old woman’s husband and was found inside the car. Meanwhile, the woman’s wallet she left inside the Costco last Wednesday near 16th and Pine Lake Road is still missing. The woman told officers she left it in a chair in the cafeteria, after she finished eating her lunch.
If you have information about the missing Louis Vitton wallet taken from the Costco cafeteria, call Lincoln Police at 402-441-6000 or Crime Stoppers at 402-475-3600.