Lincoln and Lancaster Police Agencies to Begin Seat Belt Enforcement
The Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office, Lincoln Police Department, and the University of Nebraska Police are participating in a seat belt enforcement project sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
All three agencies are working together to implement a program designed to reduce unrestrained traffic deaths in the Lincoln and Lancaster County area.
The national seat belt use rate is estimated to be 89.4%. In June 2018, observational surveys of seat belt use were conducted near crash hot spots in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, and the University of Nebraska Lincoln campus. Seat belt use in Nebraska was measured to be 85.5%. Seat belt use in Lincoln and Lancaster County was measured to be 88.7%.
Deputies will be conducting extra enforcement throughout the county beginning March 29th through April 6, 2019th.
All three agencies urge the need that wearing a seat belt is the single most effective thing you can do to save lives and reduce injuries while on the roadways.
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