LPS Board Okays Plan To Buy More Portable Classrooms, Approves of 2021-22 School Calendar

Lincoln School Board members Tuesday evening approved of buying six portable classrooms for three elementary schools, a middle school and a high school.

The total cost would be over $677,000. Each of the schools have dealt with overcrowding problems recently.  The schools set to receive portables include West Lincoln, Wysong and Kooser Elementary schools, Goodrich Middle School and Lincoln East High School.

Right now, LPS has 13 portable classrooms at various schools in town, including one each at Scott Middle School, Kahoa and Riley elementary schools.  Three are at the Science Focus Program, two are at Elliott Elementary and five are at Lincoln North Star High School.

Also, the Lincoln School Board approved the school calendar for the 2021-22 school year. First day of school would be August 16, while the last day would be May 25.