Mayor Of Panama Files For Lancaster County Board Seat

Panama, NE (January 6, 2021)  – Travis Filing, Village Chairman and Mayor of Panama, and business owner,  announced today he will enter the Republican Primary Election for Lancaster County  Commissioner, District 3.  

“I’m running for County Commissioner for four important reasons” Filing said. “First,  Republicans in rural Lancaster County have repeatedly told me they want a Commissioner who  will represent the need of rural residents as well as those of Lincoln. District 3 is largely  comprised of rural communities made up of rural residents and business owners. We face  different issues than Lincoln and currently there is no voice for our rural population being  represented on the Lancaster County Board”.  

“Second, our present Commissioner has voted to allow wind and solar projects to move  forward in the southern part of our County, which rural residents strongly oppose.” 

“Third, our property taxes continue to increase without opposition while Commissioners are  proposing double digit salary increases for themselves. We just need to better manage our  County and we need to start with electing good stewards of our tax dollars.” 

“Lastly, our roads and bridges are crumbling, we’ve had major thoroughfares that have had  bridges closed and has taken years to get repaired and reopened. Commissioners need to  better balance their focus on infrastructure verses other programs.” 

Filing is currently the Village Chairman/Mayor of Panama and has served on the Village of  Panama Board for several years.

Secretary Of State Files For Re-Election