NE Corn Growers Association Call On Biden Administration To Engage On Trade 

(KFOR NEWS  November 2, 2022)   Starting in January of 2024, Mexico has declared it will phase-out genetically modified (GM) corn for human consumption.  If the decree is implemented, Nebraska farmers stand to lose as the Cornhusker state leads the nation in white corn production, along with being a leader in yellow food grade corn.  The Nebraska Corn Growers Association is calling on the office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to initiate an enforcement case.  

It is outrageous that the Biden administration, having just passed a huge spending bill for Climate Smart Agriculture, is shying away from supporting the very technology that allows American farmers to become more climate and environmentally friendly,” explains NeCGA board president, Andy Jobman. “Due to this lack of support, Nebraska farmers are in the economic crosshair.”

The NGCA says as a result of the decree, farmers would see an increase of pesticide usage, tillage and fossil fuel usage, causing a grave impact on a grower’s carbon and economic footprint.  Even with these added practices, the U.S. farmer would be delivering a lower quality product compared to what they are producing now.  In her role, Ambassador Katherine Tai’s job is to protect, support and expand trade opportunities for U.S. products, including agriculture.  Mexican President AMLO has violated the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) trade pact by issuing the decree.

 USTR has failed to stand in support of the science that time and time again has proven GMs are not only safe but also necessary to produce enough food and agricultural products for a growing world,” added Jobman. “In doing so, Ambassador Tai is hanging U.S. farmers out to dry.” With the interest of our membership in mind, NeCGA will continue to urge Ambassador Tai to initiate this case. “It’s vital to the success of U.S. farmers, agriculture and our country’s economy,” adds Jobman. “We must stand up for what is right, science-based and ultimately the best decision for the U.S. economy.

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