Nebraska By Heart Offers Free Folklife Curriculum to Educate and Explore

Nebraska By Heart is an online curriculum unit on family folklore and the folk and traditional artists from a variety of ethnic cultures, communities and backgrounds in our state.

This non-profit organization was created by Nebraska Folklife in partnership with public school teachers, UNL education professors and the Nebraska Arts Council.

Though originally focused on middle school classroom use, this unit is versatile enough to be used by parents in home schooling and in more informal learning situations by both youth and adult interest groups.

The unit has three lessons with two or more learning activities under each lesson. The lessons address Nebraska educational content standards in social studies, language and the arts.

The activities feature downloadable photos of ethnic folk objects and traditional artists from around the state and also include hands-on activities, games and handouts for kids. You will find audio excerpts and video clips from various Nebraska artist interviews and traditional music performances, as well.

Nebraska Folklife is a Lincoln non-profit organization whose mission is to increase mutual understanding between members of Nebraska’s many cultural groups through free public educational materials, such as Nebraska By Heart, and holding traditional arts events in Nebraska communities.

Folk dancing performances, traditional music concerts, and downtown Lincoln’s celebration of the Day of the Dead each November are examples of Nebraska Folklife activities.

Find the free online curriculum at

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