NW LPD Team Underage Drinking Enforcement Results

(KFOR NEWS  December 6, 2022)   In an effort to impact illegal behavior on home football Saturdays, the Lincoln Police Department’s Northwest Team coordinated an underage drinking project to coincide with the return of school and the football season.  Funding for the increased enforcement was provided by the Nebraska Department of Transportation-Highway Safety Office.

During the last four home football games, from October 1st to November 19th, extra officers were utilized to impact underage drinking along with other illegal activity prior to the kick off of each game. Their results were as follows:

Consuming in Public Citations 26
Minor in Possession Citations 23
Urinating in Public Citations 7
Littering Citation 1
False Information Citations 3
Minor Misrepresenting Age 10
Narcotics Citations 11
DUS Citations 2
Misdemeanor Citations 6
Misc. Traffic Citations 2
Parking Citations 166
Parking/Traffic Warnings 99
Vehicles Towed 40
Warrants Arrests 3

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