On National Election Hero Day, Nebraska Officials Gearing Up for 2024 Election Cycle

LINCOLN–(KFOR Nov. 6)–Nebraska election officials are preparing for the 2024 election cycle, including recruiting poll workers.

Approximately 8,000 Nebraskans are typically needed to staff around 1,000 polling places for presidential primary and general elections. Data collected by the Secretary of State’s office since 2008 shows that it’s a growing challenge for counties in Nebraska, especially in rural areas, to attract poll workers.

“I hope Nebraskans will step up to the challenge,” Secretary Evnen said. “If you’re interested in becoming a poll worker, please contact your county election office. It’s also a great way to learn more about our elections.”

Evnen also on Monday morning extended his appreciation to election officials, election commissioners, county clerks and poll workers across Nebraska. National Election Hero Day celebrates election administration teams and poll workers who help voters cast their ballots securely and safely.

“Election officials and poll workers ensure that every legitimate vote is counted and only legitimate votes,” Secretary Evnen said. “This is critical work. Elections cannot happen without election workers making sure polls are open, ballots are accurately counted and results are verified.”

The Secretary of State’s Elections Division works with 93 county election offices in Nebraska. Every county election office is responsible for holding elections in their communities, which includes preparing precincts, handling ballots and staffing polling places.  The Elections Division and county election offices are currently working on implementing Nebraska’s new voter ID law that takes effect for the 2024 May primary election. The preparation includes launching an educational campaign, finalizing new procedures for voting, training county election staff members and generating new poll worker guidance.