REALTORS® To Volunteer As Poll Workers
Secretary of State Bob Evnen expressed appreciation to the Nebraska REALTORS® Association for its support in asking Realtors to step forward as poll workers.
“I am grateful for our community-minded Realtors who desire to fill the role of poll workers in our upcoming primary election May 12,” Secretary Evnen said.
Nebraska REALTORS® Association President Steve Coram, of Kearney, Nebraska, says volunteering is a ‘civic duty’.
“We as Realtors care deeply about our communities. And we are dedicated volunteers who give back to our communities. So, in the spirit of demonstrating our civic duty I encourage Realtors across the state to participate as polls workers in the Primary Election on May 12”, said Coram.
Realtors and others who wish to step up and sign up as poll workers can do so by contacting their county clerks or county election commissioners.
Every polling site will receive kits that include:
- At least 2 N95 masks per poll worker
- Face shields offered to each poll worker
- 25 pairs of gloves for poll workers
- 540 ml bottle of hand sanitizer
- A canister of disinfecting wipes
- Individual black pens for each voter to keep
- Social distancing standards will apply.
- Mask available for voters who need them
You can also help by sharing the opportunity with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and anyone else who may be a good fit. Contact your local county clerk’s or election commissioner’s office by phone or email if you wish to serve as a poll worker.
Make a difference in your community and become a proud poll worker. For county election contact information visit