Second Water Source Open House Tonight

(KFOR NEWS  December 1, 2022)   Lincoln Transportation and Utilities (LTU) and the Mayor’s Water Source Advisory Council invite you to an open house tonight (Thursday, December 1st) regarding the city’s “Water 2.0, Securing Lincoln’s Second Source” effort.  The event will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at North Star High School, 5801 North 33rd St.

City staff and partners, including members of the Mayor’s Water Source Advisory Council, will be at the open house to answer questions.  The event will feature several educational stations regarding Lincoln Water System’s history, current water data, planning efforts, and information on current options to secure a second water source.

Lincoln’s water supply comes from the Platte River wellfield.  Current water projections and plans indicate that Lincoln has adequate water supply for at least the next 25 years.  The “Water 2.0, Securing Lincoln’s Second Source” effort is to ensure Lincoln has sufficient water supply for future growth and prosperity.  In addition, this effort will provide resiliency and redundancy for severe weather events.

The City and Mayor’s Water Source Advisory Council is made up of 27 stakeholders representing water experts with community and business leaders.   The group is providing assistance to determine potential solutions and navigate complex design, construction, financial, legal, and governance options. The analysis is scheduled to be completed in early 2023.

For more information on the project, visit

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