Student Suspected of Showing Handgun at Lincoln Elementary School

LINCOLN–(KFOR Sept. 5)–A handgun was brought to a Lincoln elementary school on Thursday, after a student allegedly showed the weapon to other students.

According to Lincoln Public Schools, the incident was reported around 12:30pm Thursday to staff members at Belmont Elementary School.  Teachers and administrators quickly searched and interviewed the student, a 10-year-old boy, but initially nothing was found.

Almost an hour later, another student found what appeared to be a handgun hidden in a restroom and gave it to a staff member.  The gun was then secured in the school’s office.

Under LPS’ standard response protocol, students stayed in their classrooms and the hallways were cleared.  Lincoln Police were contacted, as school staff and administrators looked for any other potential concerns throughout the building.  The investigation determined the gun was real and non-functioning without ammunition.

LPS officials say the student that allegedly brought the weapon has been identified and their family has been notified.  After the investigation has been completed, school officials say any student involved in bringing or concealing the handgun “will face the appropriate school and legal consequences.”

Addressing any concerns, Belmont’s assistant principal Amy Dixon emailed Belmont families about the incident, saying, “It is the important work of our staff at Belmont in building trusting relationships with our students that lead to this serious situation being resolved without anyone being hurt. We are thankful for the quick response by Lincoln Police and their continued collaboration in keeping our students and staff safe.”

LPS is continuing to work with Lincoln Police on this matter.