Bill To Allow Public Funds Go To Private Schools Up For Debate

LINCOLN–(KFOR Mar. 6)–A bill that would have public money to go toward private schools went before Nebraska lawmakers on Monday.

LB753 from Omaha Senator Lou Ann Linehan would give income tax credits to people or businesses that donate to organizations providing scholarships to attend private or parochial schools.  Opponents have labeled the bill as a taxpayer-funded tax credit to wealthy donors.

Omaha Senator Justin Wayne says the focus should be on funding and giving education choices for people to consider with private and public schools.

“What we have to stop doing when we have these debates is saying ‘either or,” Wayne added. “When we know in this body–damn well we know in this body–it’s both.”

The Legislature has considered similar measures the past five years, but all have failed.

Early Monday afternoon, Governor Jim Pillen urged lawmakers to support LB 753 to make sure children across the state get the educational choices they need to succeed.
Pillen said, “LB 753 gives kids in need, including kids in poverty, kids in foster care, and kids of military veterans, more choices when identifying a school which best meets their needs.”

Pillen added failure to pass the bill would education funding for all Nebraska students in jeopardy.