Lincoln on the Move Invests $42 Million in First Three Years

LINCOLN–(News Release Dec. 13)–Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird and city transportation representatives today said that the community is seeing significant benefits from the Lincoln on the Move program that has invested nearly $42 million in improvements and new projects.

The announcement follows the release of the third Lincoln on the Move annual report. The six-year street program will invest an estimated $94 million in additional street improvement and growth funds into Lincoln’s streets until the initiative expires in late 2025.

Mayor Gaylor Baird said that since the voter-approved quarter-cent sales tax took effect in 2019, Lincoln on the Move has produced 40 street projects generating nearly 114 lane miles of improvements and growth, in addition to the City’s typically funded projects in its Capital Improvement Program.

During its first three years, the nearly $42 million Lincoln on the Move investment has allowed the City to invest over 20% more into its streets in each of the past three years, Mayor Gaylor Baird said.

“When it comes to the quality of our streets, Lincoln is ahead of the pack,” said Mayor Gaylor Baird. “Lincoln recently ranked as the sixth best city to drive in out of 100 cities, bolstering our local economy, public safety, and neighborhoods.”

In 2022, the City invested nearly $17 million into 15 street projects. Twelve of the projects focused on a variety of neighborhood and arterial street improvements like mill and overlay work to repair and construct smooth top layers of streets in the Kahoa Elementary School and Lincoln High School neighborhoods, and on Randolph Street from 40th to 56th streets.  Three growth projects focused on developing new infrastructure like a roundabout near West Holdrege Street and a turn lane near Southwest 14th and West “O” streets. A complete project list follows this release.

“Our Transportation team is thrilled to continue to hit the gas pedal as we make significant strides to improve and grow Lincoln’s streets through this program. Projects can be seen in all quadrants of the city,” said Liz Elliott, LTU Director. “Without this funding source, these streets would need to wait longer to see improvements and growth expansion.”

Work scheduled for the fourth year of the program include projects on South 27th Street from Coronado to Old Cheney Road, North 48th Street from Leighton to Superior streets, and in the Piedmont neighborhood along Fall Creek and Valley roads and South 52nd Street. More street projects are planned for years five and six with the guidance of the Advisory Committee on Transportation (ACT), a public committee appointed by the mayor to assist on how to best use the additional street funds.

“Making important investments in our community’s infrastructure not only enables trade and encourages economic growth, it connects more workers to their jobs and helps revitalize many of the neighborhoods throughout our community, spurring economic development,” said Todd Wiltgen, ACT member and Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Specialist. “The private/public partnerships in Lincoln are one of the key ingredients that make Lincoln a top location for new businesses to locate and existing businesses to expand.”

“I am an avid user of Lincoln’s transit system and a pedestrian. As I ride around the city, I can feel the difference Lincoln on the Move has made,” said Amy Eidenmiller, ACT Co-Chair. “My day to day rides are generally smoother. I cross streets like 11th Street and Lincoln Mall and have to be extra careful when maneuvering around dips or cracks in the street. I’m excited to see the 11th Street Corridor neighborhood from South to “K” streets will be improved next year in year four of Lincoln on the Move and I’m proud to help bring this type of improvement to the city and contribute to increasing the quality of life and safety for all.”

In the first year of the program, the City invested more than $10 million into Lincoln’s streets. In year two, the program invested more than $15 million. For years five and six, an estimated $31.6 million will be invested into Lincoln’s streets. The Lincoln on the Move program allocates 73.5% of the revenue to existing street improvements, 25% to new street construction in growth areas, and 1.5% to the LTU and Railroad Transportation Safety District (RTSD) partnership to enhance the North 33rd and Cornhusker Highway railroad intersections.

To view the report and a map of projects and locations, visit


Lincoln on the Move funded projects in years one and two include: 

Improvements to existing streets:

  1. Ninth Street from I-180 to “A” Street
  2. Capitol Beach Neighborhood
  3. Cotner Boulevard from “O” to South streets
  4. Culler Middle School Neighborhood
  5. Havelock Neighborhood
  6. Highlands Neighborhood
  7. Huntington/Leighton Avenues from North 33rd to North 48th streets
  8. McPhee Elementary Neighborhood
  9. North 70th Street from Colfax to Havelock avenues
  10. Sevenoaks Neighborhood
  11. South 40th and “A” streets neighborhood
  12. South 40th Street from Highway 2 to Clifford Drive
  13. South 48th Street from Woodland Avenue to Pioneers Boulevard
  14. Southwood Neighborhood
  15. Union College Neighborhood
  16. Yankee Hill from South 56th to South 70th streets
  17. Zeman Elementary Neighborhood

New streets in growth areas:

  1. “A” Street from South 89th to South 93rd streets
  2. East Holdrege Street from North 87th Street to Cedar Cove Road
  3. Rokeby Road from Friedman to South 84th streets
  4. Rokeby Road from South 31st to South 40th streets
  5. South Folsom Street from West Old Cheney Road to one-quarter mile south
  6. Van Dorn Street from South 84th to South 91st streets
  7. West Holdrege Street from Northwest 56th to Northwest 48th streets and Northwest 56th Street from West Holdrege north to existing pavement
  8. Yankee Hill Road from South 40th to South 56th streets (under construction)

Lincoln on the Move funded projects for year three include:

Improvements to existing streets:

  1. Belmont Neighborhood (under construction)
  2. Clinton Neighborhood
  3. College View Neighborhood (under construction)
  4. Kahoa Elementary Neighborhood
  5. Lincoln High School Neighborhood
  6. Near South Neighborhood
  7. North 14th Street from Adams to Superior streets
  8. North 23rd and Potter streets neighborhood (under construction)
  9. Park Manor Neighborhood (under construction)
  10. Randolph Street from South 40th to South 56th streets
  11. Westgate Boulevard and West Saunders Avenue
  12. Witherbee Neighborhood

New streets in growth areas:

  1. North 104th and Holdrege streets intersection
  2. West Holdrege from Northwest 48th Street to Chitwood Lane
  3. Southwest 14th Street and West “O” Street turn lane


Lincoln on the Move funded projects planned for year four include:

Improvements to existing streets:

  1. 11th Street corridor
  2. Country Club Neighborhood
  3. North 48th Street from Leighton Avenue to Superior Street
  4. Piedmont Neighborhood
  5. “R” Street from North 48th Street to Cotner Boulevard
  6. South 27th Street from Coronado Drive to Old Cheney Road
  7. South 48th Street from Old Cheney Road to Nebraska Parkway
  8. South 84th Street from Sandalwood Drive to Elizabeth Drive
  9. West Highland Boulevard and West Fletcher Avenue

New streets in growth areas:

  1. South 40th Street between Rokeby and Tiger Lily roads


Additional Lincoln on the Move street projects planned include:

Improvements to existing streets:

  1. Eastridge Neighborhood
  2. Leighton Avenue from North 48th to North 70th streets
  3. South 17th Street from “A” to “S” streets
  4. South 40th Street from “O” to “A” streets
  5. South 84th Street from Pinedale Avenue to Sandalwood Drive
  6. South 14th Street from Yankee Hill to Pine Lake roads
  7. Northwest 12th Street from West Adams to West Highlands
  8. Normal Boulevard from South 33rd to 70th streets

Additional projects will be planned based on how much revenue the City receives over the six-year timeframe, along with the price of material costs.