Vandalism Cases May Be Linked To Social Media Challenge

LINCOLN–(KFOR Nov. 21)–A social media challenge apparently has prompted some younger kids or teens to go out and vandalize fences to at least four southeast Lincoln homes over the weekend.

LPD Captain Max Hubka tells KFOR News vinyl fences were damaged by jumping through and damaging the pickets on the fences at homes south and east of 84th and Old Cheney.  He says this is something that happened a few times in Omaha during the summer months.

“It’s spreading on Tik Tok,” Captain Hubka said.

No arrests yet and the investigation is ongoing.  Hubka says they are following up on some leads.  If you have information on any of these cases, call Lincoln Police at 402-441-6000 or Crime Stoppers at 402-475-3600.