Lincoln Set to Have Record Year of Auto Thefts Again
LINCOLN–(KFOR Dec. 15)–Lincoln is on track to have 861 auto thefts by the end of 2022, which would eclipse the previous all-time record of 788 from 2021, according to Lincoln Police Department’s Crime Analysis and Intelligence Unit.
In November, data shows there were 109 auto thefts making it the highest monthly total of all time. The thefts in 2022 are happening across Lincoln, but Captain Todd Kocian says there is a heavy concentrated area.
“Thirty-one percent of all our auto thefts occurred in an area between 10th to 30th, South to Vine,” Kocian added.
Of the auto thefts this year, Kocian said nearly 69% of them were unlocked, 54% were with the keys inside and 21% were left running. About 88% of the stolen vehicles have been recovered.
Kocian reminds you to never leave your vehicle running unattended at any time because thieves will come back and steal it.