NCBB Launches “Pint for a Pint” Campaign
(KFOR NEWS August 9, 2022) Lincoln, NE. The Nebraska Community Blood Bank (NCBB) has declared a blood emergency, as warm weather and summer travel continue to impact an already alarmingly low blood supply.
The current supply is at a 1-2-day level, which is well below the ideal level of 5-7-days. The shortage has been consistent for many weeks. Summer is a difficult time of year to collect enough
blood as families make the most of seasonal travel and activities while schools are out of session. There are also fewer blood drives and donor center appointments due to ongoing staffing challenges.
“The shortage of available blood has led us to declare another blood emergency,” said Cheryl Warholoski, Director of Operations. “We are again calling on community members to come out and we also ask that local companies encourage time off for their employees to fill available appointments in the coming weeks.”
Nebraska Community Blood Bank supplies blood to 24 hospitals throughout the region. Roughly one in seven hospital admissions require a blood transfusion. Whole blood donations take about an hour and can save up to three lives. Platelet donations take approximately two hours and are critically needed in local hospitals.
To thank donors for helping during this critical time of need, Nebraska Community Blood Bank has partnered with local breweries in our “Pint for a Pint” campaign to offer donors $2 off a beverage of their choice through Labor Day. To learn more, visit
To schedule an appointment at a local donor center or blood drive visit NCBB.ORG/donate or call (877) 486-9414. Looking to make a bigger impact? Consider scheduling a Donor Day at a local donor center with friends, family, or coworkers.
About Nebraska Community Blood Bank Nebraska Community Blood Bank (NCBB) has been connecting people and saving lives since 1968. NCBB relies on the local community to donate blood to help ensure a safe and stable blood supply is available to area hospitals and other partners. With operations in Nebraska and western Iowa, NCBB is a division of New York Blood Centers
Enterprises, serving communities across the country. For more information, call 1-877-486-9414 or visit NCBB.ORG. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
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