Lancaster County Jail Reports Second Case of COVID-19 in Inmate Population

The Lancaster County Department of Corrections reports its second known case of COVID-19 within the facility.

The individual who tested positive was recently released from a community hospital and lodged into the facility and has had no contact with the general inmate population.

The inmate was being treated at the hospital for COVID-19 and is currently in isolation in the jail being treated in the infirmary unit. They are experiencing mild symptoms.

The Lancaster County Jail coordinated closely with the Lincoln Police Department for a safe transfer of the individual into our custody.

Corrections Director Brad Johnson noted, “We appreciate the high level of collaboration we are experiencing with our law enforcement and Health Department partners.” 

The jail staff is currently equipped with the appropriate personal protective equipment necessary to care for the individual.

The jail’s pandemic plan lays out clear procedures for appropriate, compassionate care of inmates with the minimum amount of exposure to jail staff or other inmates.

“The staff of this department have reacted and performed tremendously during this unprecedented and very challenging time.” said Corrections Director Johnson.

The inmate will continue to be isolated and monitored until cleared by a medical authority. The Lancaster County Department of Corrections has licensed professional medical personnel contracted and available in the facility.

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