Lancaster County To Issue Final Payment to Lincoln Airport Authority for Red Way Airlines

LINCOLN–(KFOR Nov. 2)–Lancaster County’s Budget and Fiscal office will issue the final payment to the Lincoln Airport Authority next Thursday, based on the interlocal agreement between the county, City of Lincoln and Airport Authority agreement for the now defunct Red Way Airlines.

In a release to KFOR News, county officials said based on the agreement,  payment will be issued to the Airport Authority to satisfy the County’s obligation in funding Red Way Airlines.  The County’s Budget and Fiscal office received the invoice regarding final payment earlier this week.  This also followed reviews of documentation provided by the Airport Authority including Red Way invoices, fuel costs, block hours, and passenger numbers, as well as reviewing the Airport Authority’s Independent Accountant’s Report of its Red Way activities.

The Lancaster County Board remains concerned that an unacceptable number of Red Way customers are still waiting for refunds for tickets they purchased from Red Way. Now that the final payment is being issued to the Airport Authority, the County encourages the Airport Authority and Red Way to agree on the next steps necessary to make Red Way customers whole.

Red Way customers who are still seeking a refund are encouraged to contact the U.S. Department of Transportation/Office of Aviation Consumer Protection at (202) 366-2220 or to file a formal complaint: