Lincoln Public Schools Watching Weather Forecast With Storm Approaching
Lincoln, NE (December 19, 2022) The forecast for a winter storm with possible heavy snow, blizzard conditions, and bitterly cold temperatures is causing concern and caution as School officials approach Thursday and Friday before dismissal for Christmas week. LPS issued a statement late Monday:
“Weather in Nebraska is unpredictable and can change in an instant. There are times when the weather forecasts do not materialize. For this reason, Lincoln Public Schools will continue to monitor the weather forecasts this week and will follow our protocols for announcing any changes to the school schedule. You can find those protocols on our website:
As a reminder, IF a decision to close the schools on Thursday is made on Wednesday, LPS will initiate calls to ensure notification of families by approximately 10:00 p.m. If the school closing decision is made early on Thursday morning, phone calls to homes will begin as early as 5:45 a.m. Thursday. The community can also check our website ( for the latest information.
LPS knows that school closures can cause hardships for families, and for that reason LPS tries to remain open during inclement weather whenever possible. LPS believes one of the safest places for students is in school buildings. Parents and families, however, may decide to keep their children home during inclement weather even if schools have not been closed by the superintendent. Families will need to communicate their child’s absence to the school and students are responsible for making up any missing assignments or work.
To help ensure a successful completion of the first semester before Winter Break, LPS has asked high school administrators to make adjustments to the finals week schedule in the event the forecast actually develops on Thursday. High School principals will be communicating the adjustments to families Monday afternoon. Thursday will be used as an opportunity for high school students to come in and work with teachers and catch up on missing work.
Middle school and elementary school principals will also work with teachers to adjust their end of semester final tests and project due dates to ensure students are able to complete the first semester successfully.
LPS appreciates the flexibility, patience and understanding from families as the school district continues to navigate Nebraska winters.”
(KFOR News will provide updates on Weather Conditions and School schedules as soon as they are available.)