LLCHD: New Cases Of Coronavirus in Lancaster

Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird and the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department announced that 84 lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Lancaster County on Saturday, bringing the community total to 6,830.  The number of deaths in the community remains at 24. The Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department had said on Friday that the COVID-19 Risk Dial remains in mid-orange for the fifth consecutive week, indicating that the risk of the virus spreading in the community is high.

Also on Friday, Friday, Director Scott R. Frakes announced that two staff members with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) are positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). One staff member is employed at the Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (DEC). The second staff member is employed at the Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP). Both staff members are self-isolating at home. This brings the total number of NDCS staff members diagnosed with COVID-19 to 159. Ninety-eight of those individuals have recovered from COVID-19.

Currently there is a reported 47,403 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Nebraska.