LPS:  “New School On Schedule Despite Covid 19”

About 150 people attended each of two on-line previews of Lincoln’s two new high schools. Dirt work is now underway for the first, which will be built over the coming year at Northwest 48th and West Holdrege Streets, just south of the Arnold Heights area. The following year, a second one will be built at 70th and Saltillo.

Each of the new schools will be built to hold about one-thousand students, but also will be built with the ability to expand. Each of the buildings will have two full stories and a partial third floor, and will appear similar to the designs of North Star and Southwest High Schools.

Along with a detailed description of each, including drone fly-overs of the sites, top LPS officials fielded numerous questions ranging from “Are the schools being planned with social distancing in mind?” to “What are learning stairs”

The following link includes a 45 minute video of one of the two conferences, with a lengthy question and answer period at the end.
