LPS Officials Exploring Limiting Transfers to Northwest High School Next School Year
LINCOLN–(KFOR Nov. 29)–Enrollment this school year at Lincoln Northwest High School is over 900 in its second year of existence. Now, Lincoln Public Schools officials are looking at possibly halting transfers next year for 10th through 12th grades and limit the number of students enrolling for 9th grade, because Northwest is expected to be slightly overcrowded by next October.
“The system is working as designed,” said LPS associate superintendent Dr. Matt Larson during Tuesday’s LPS Board of Education meeting. “We have this current bubble in students. Northwest has relieved that over capacity pressure, particularly at North Star and Lincoln High.”
It was projected that Northwest’s building would reach a design capacity of 1,000 students within three to four years. Students entering the ninth grade in 2024 who want to attend Lincoln Northwest but live outside its attendance zone, will have to file school-choice forms by Jan. 31.
The School Board will look at the issue again at its meeting next month.