NPPD Adopts Green Initiative
Columbus, Nebraska (December 9, 2021) Nebraska’s largest utility has adopted a plan to go green. The Nebraska Public Power District Board of Directors today adopted a resolution to achieve net zero carbon emissions by the year 2050. The resolution says N-P-P-D will use proven, reliable generation methods until reliable alternative sources are developed. The resolution passed on a 9-2 vote. It is shown below:
Carbon emissions and emissions regulation are a significant business risk for Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) and its customers. NPPD recognizes the importance of balancing affordability, reliability/resilience, and sustainability when addressing the business risks related to carbon emissions and emissions regulations. This policy establishes the Board of Director’s goal for carbon emission reductions that will be used to guide NPPD in determining future generation resource planning options.
NPPD adopts the goal of achieving “net zero” carbon emissions from NPPD’s generation resources by 2050. This will be achieved by continuing the use of proven, reliable generation until alternative, reliable sources of generation are developed and by using certified offsets, energy efficiency projects, lower or zero carbon emission generation resources, beneficial electrification projects, or other economic and practical technologies that help NPPD meet the adopted goal at costs that are equal to, or lower than, then current resources.
NPPD Management will report to the Board annually the carbon emissions of generating resources under NPPD “control” on both a total short tons of CO2 emitted and CO2 intensity (lbs./MWh) basis including effects of offsets, etc., as discussed above.