Beginning Monday, April 1, Lincoln garbage collectors will collect grass and leaves separately from household trash.  State law requires that from April 1 to December 1, grass and leaves, including crabgrass and pine needles, be separated from other waste.  Grass and leaves cannot be placed in plastic bags for general garbage collection.  Tree trimmings, garden waste and weeds may be included with regular household garbage.

Separate collection of grass and leaves is provided by local garbage collectors for a fee.  Those who do not subscribe to the special collection have three options:

  • Haul it to the North 48th Street Transfer Station, 5101 N. 48th St.
  • Hire a lawn service.
  • Mulch and compost grass clippings and leaves.  The Lancaster County Extension Office will provide free backyard composting workshops at the Pioneer Park Nature Center on May 18 and June 22.

Residents who subscribe to separate yard waste collection must begin to separate grass and leaves from their household garbage after their last waste collection in March.

“It is very important for the public to use an approved container for grass and leaves,” said Willa DiCostanzo, Recycling Coordinator.  “City policy does not allow yard waste in plastic bags at the compost facility because the bags do not decompose and cause litter problems.  Help us reduce our plastic pollution, and use an approved container for grass and leaf disposal.”

Approved collection containers include paper yard waste bags available from retailers; 32-gallon containers with tight-fitting lids; or 95-gallon containers provided by garbage collectors.  For questions related to curbside collection, contact your collector.

The City inspects incoming loads at the Bluff Road Landfill and composting facility.  If garbage is found mixed with yard waste, the City can assess the garbage collector with a $100 unacceptable load fee.

For more information on how to compost at home visit or  More information is also available from the recycling hotline at 402-441-8215.

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