(KFOR NEWS  February 5, 2020)  1st District Republican Congressman, Jeff Fortenberrry, issued this statement on the 2020 State of the Union address:

“It is the ultimate tribute to our enduring republic that no matter the tenor of the time, the state of the world, the politics of the moment, the President of the United States stands before Congress, Justices of the Supreme Court, and a rapt nation and delivers a State of the Union Address.”  Tonight, the President delivered a very American, meat-and-potatoes speech, with a very important emphasis on national security, keeping you safe, and getting healthcare right. He had a particular initiative that is dear my heart and those of many Nebraskans called The Trillion Trees. I think it’s very important for Republicans to embrace this space of environmental security.”

READ MORE:  Senator Sasse reacts to SOTU