In response to the recommendations of the Child Access to Firearms/Safe Storage Task Force, Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird, Thursday, announced a plan that will help protect residents and keep children safe.

“We have watched in horror as tragedy upon tragedy have robbed too many children and adults of their futures,” said Mayor Gaylor Baird. “We have seen active shooter drills become routine in our workplaces, our houses of worship, and our children’s schools. Today, we are announcing steps we will take to prevent gun violence here in Lincoln  — steps that will limit access to firearms by children and by those who are a danger to themselves or others.”

One of the proposed steps is a program to offer free gun locks to all those applying for handgun permits. The program is a partnership with the local Suicide Prevention Coalition and the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office,

Another step of the plan is public education, including public service announcements being developed by a committee of law enforcement, public health, emergency management and city communication officials working with Bryan Health, Nebraskans Against Gun Violence and Big Shots.

The group includes including the Task Force, City Council members and law enforcement and public health officials.

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